SEAL Intelligence Operative Exposes Traditional Masculinity

Welcome to The Average Frog Broadcast: Redefining modern masculinity by delivering a weekly source of actionable principles, strategies and tools for using your passion to harmoniously fulfill your financial, professional, and personal purposes. STOP adapting to our culture. START defining it.

SEAL Secret #001 - December 2nd, 2023 - 4 Minutes

Hard work, relentless grinding, and hustling, once celebrated as hallmarks of masculinity, have now turned into our wounds. - Eric Davis -

Intelligence Operative

I was in the back of a blacked-out SUV, establishing satellite communications with our Quick Reaction Force (QRF), who were on standby to rescue us in case some or all of the hundreds of men following us with AK-47s decided to turn on us while special agents were transporting us to our target.

I was with just two other SEALs and a technician who had a sketchy ability to snatch cell-phone conversations out of thin air. The team was small, but the mission was significant.

We were deep in the heart of a country I can't talk about, but what I can tell you is that it was our job to prepare the environment for other Special Forces Units to come in and conduct operations critical to the future of our nation and our allies.

I didn't realize it at the time, but the…

philosophies, strategies, tools, training, and tactics we developed on that mission would generate an obscure and unconventional strategy. This strategy radically altered my life as well as the lives of a few other ambitious men I had been training. It allowed us to confront a different, more consequential, and perilous situation than what I had faced on that mission—a life that would have us redefine wealth and masculinity by way of actually living it.

This elevated objective started as a desire to live an inspiring and dignified life. Something that could only be done by using our passions to fulfill the personal, professional, and financial purposes for which we were created. But we soon realized that what we were learning and becoming wasn’t just for our own survival, but also critical to the futures of those we love and lead.

We realized that with this new knowledge, it was now up to us to go out ahead and prepare the battlefield not just for our sons and daughters but for an entire generation of lost men. It was up to us to STOP trying to adapt to our culture’s twisted definition of masculinity and START defining it because traditional masculinity has failed.

Traditional Masculinity Failed Because…

…it refused to adapt to our changing world, now known as the most competitive, dynamic, and technologically advanced environment this planet has ever seen.

It failed the moment, out of ignorance and pride, it refused to let go of the antiquated axioms of success that worked for our fathers and grandfathers.

Hard work, relentless grinding, and hustling, once celebrated as hallmarks of masculinity, have now turned into chains around our necks. This shift has occurred because these qualities have lost their strategic relevance in today's hyper creative world.

In an era dominated by creative minds and visionary thinkers, these old-school, work-our-bodies-like-machines methods no longer cut it.

The second, and more destructive reason traditional masculinity continues to fail,

lies in its insistence on a singular, one-size-must-fit-all version of what a real ‘man’ is. This view leaves countless men, equipped with unique traits and skills for this new era, stranded, unacknowledged, and unsupported.

Those who don't fit into this singular mold of masculinity often find their only alternative is to embrace femininity. They're left to 'find themselves' in the dark corners of the internet, resulting in a distorted self-perception rather than a celebrated design, discovery, and expansion of their true self.

We are currently witnessing the decline of what it means to be a 'man,'

a direct consequence of traditional masculinity's shortcomings. The results of this failure are fueling the emotions and ideologies that distract the ambitious from the purposes for which they were created.

What we urgently need now are a few ambitious men, ready to lead by example and live lives of inspiring purpose and passion. Simply telling people how to live authentically and powerfully no longer suffices – it's time to show them how it's done.

To do this, we must operate from an advanced form of masculinity. One that embraces the diversity of modern men and not only meets the challenges of competition and change but excels because of them.

It’s time to STOP complaining and conforming to the distorted cultural definition of masculinity and START actively defining it.

Now Here’s The Real Good News

This change isn't just necessary; it's exhilarating and enjoyable. Why? Well…as I mentioned, hard work and operating outside of our passion, our authentic self, just doesn’t cut it anymore. They're like bringing a club to a laser-guided, night-vision-enabled, fully automatic machine gun fight. You’ll just die tired.

When I applied those Advanced Force Intelligence operative skills to infiltrate the world of healthy, wealthy, and happy men, I found they all shared 3 simple things: Purpose, Passion, and Strategic Transformation.

Now, I could write an ENTIRE BOOK on these three topics, and I am, but here’s a “Quick Start Guide” that you and the tribe you study and do life with can use right now.

PURPOSE: Mission Focus

On those AFO missions, buried in ever-changing environments, our constant was the mission, our purpose. Our meticulously crafted mission allowed us to pivot and take ground, rather than backslide in the face of unpredicted challenges.

Our true purpose is no different. It converts obstacles, challenges, and change from energy-crushing roadblocks into opportunities that propel us forward.

A clear purpose doesn't define who we are; it reveals who we were created to be. It overpowers the purpose-preventing narratives spawned by the deceptive online trolls who are constantly trying to pull us and our children down into their collective misery.

Purpose is designed and discovered by:

  1. Identifying the personal, professional, and financial parts of your life that either create or destroy your ability to live an inspiring and dignified life.

  2. Calculating the financial power required to care for those parts now and during the 30+ years of old age when you can no longer work.

  3. Identifying & Executing the conventional and unconventional strategies that fulfill those purposes.

PASSION: Operating From Your Highest Level Of Self

SEAL missions and training are often viewed as superhuman, hailed as demonstrations of grit beyond common comprehension. However, there's an unseen force at play within each man. What you're witnessing is actually the byproduct of men operating within their passion—their authentic selves.

Inside of our passions, we tap into flow states that amplify our focus, creativity, and perspective. Challenges become exhilarating experiences, much like a teenager engrossed in a video game, always craving more.

Our passions are not meant to be hobbies; they are flow-generating practices that deliver value to others. Value beyond what our financial purposes require.

Discovering and Designing Passion Involves:

  1. Identifying your innate gifts – the unique ways you get things done.

  2. Recognizing what topics consistently light you up.

  3. Pinpointing the environments that allow you to perform at your peak.

  4. Identifying the people and even pets that enhance or degrade your ability to perform.

  5. Reflecting on your past to uncover instances of exceptional results and the methods you used to produce them.

Once you have worked through this drill, the next step is to start changing how you get what you’re already doing done. At first, it’s not about changing what you do, but how you do it. This is where we transition from who we've become and turn back to who we were created to be.


Transformation alone can be ineffective or even harmful. We're constantly evolving, but we seldom spontaneously become the person we need to be to utilize our passions and fulfill our purposes. Strategic Transformation is achieved through the execution of the unconventional strategy previously mentioned:

  1. Purpose: Reveals the objectives that inform you of the person you need to become.

  2. Mastery: Shows you the obstacles that you need to go through to transform you into the person your purpose revealed.

  3. Expert at Expert: Converts information into actionable power that enables you to travel through the obstacles (strategies) required for mastery.

  4. The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday: The consistent application of the practices that maintain and build upon your progress in ways that empower you for more.

  5. PASSION: Commit to using your innate gifts and talents in executing and sustaining the actions of the first four stages.

Embracing the Future: A New Dawn of Masculinity

The journey from the back of that blacked-out SUV to where I stand today has been more than a transformation; it has been a rebirth. A rebirth into a world where traditional masculinity will no longer be questioned but revolutionized. We stand at the precipice of a new era, where the old paradigms of grit and grind give way to a more effective understanding of what it means to be a man.

It's a world where our value isn't measured by how much we can endure, but by how much value we deliver as our authentic selves. Our mission now is no longer just to adapt, but to thrive; not just to follow, but to lead.

We are now the architects of this new world, a world where purpose, passion, and strategic transformation are no longer reserved for the wealthy, but are now the pillars upon which we build our lives and guide the next generation. It's a world where being a man means being adaptable, creative, and, above all, true to oneself.

This is our time; our opportunity to redefine the essence of masculinity. To show that true strength lies in our ability to be vulnerable, to be different, to be passionate. It is about creating a legacy that echoes not just through our actions but in the hearts and minds of those we inspire.

So let's rise to this challenge.

Let's be the men who don’t just fit into the world but who reshape it. Men who don’t try to catch lightning, but strike it. Men who don’t just tell stories about legends, but become them.

This is our call to arms, to embrace this exhilarating change. To become the pioneers of a new level of masculinity. A masculinity that’s defined not by the limits or mistakes of the past but by the boundless potential of the future.

Join me, and together, let’s not just witness the change. Let’s be the change for ourselves, for our families, and for the world. The journey begins now.