3 Reasons I Have To Jump Out Of Airplanes

Welcome to The Average Frog Broadcast: Redefining modern masculinity by delivering a weekly source of actionable principles, strategies and tools for using your passion to harmoniously fulfill your financial, professional, and personal purposes. STOP adapting to our culture. START defining it.

SEAL Secret #002 - December 15th, 2023

The powerful results that exhilarating experiences have on our brain can impact focus, creativity and tenacity.

It hit me moments after I glanced out the window and saw a skydiver gliding toward a landing.

I was on my computer, just firing through one of my Deep Work blocks of the day. I was filled with levels of joy, focus, and execution that I hadn't felt in a while.

As the jumper went into a steep turn to swoop in for a high-speed landing, the light bulb went off: the reason for these elevated levels of performance I was experiencing was my new 'Pull Through.’

Pull Throughs are what I, and many others, used to cruise through SEAL training. A Pull Through is an event in my future that excites and invigorates me in the present. Pull Throughs replace taking breaks, which are typically looked forward to because they end some form of discomfort, pain, fatigue, or boredom. A 'Pull Through' doesn’t just allow for recovery; it also serves as a persistent refill.

My ‘Pull Through’ today is jumping out of a plane from 12,500 feet, interspersed between my Deep Work sessions, which, for me, means writing high-performance books, papers, posts and membership courses.

Now, I realize that replacing the standard, soul-sucking coffee break or the mindless small talk we've all been conditioned to use as a break with something as extreme as skydiving may seem excessive. But before you dismiss it, I'd ask you this: Is doing something that multiplies your ability to create value for others within a complex and competitive environment 'excessive,' or can it be the ‘new standard’?

The ambitious men I train realize that to stay relevant and competitive…

…they need to operate within the heightened psychological states of Flow. Despite understanding this, they find it challenging to reach such states, because frankly their everyday life is boring, which is a flow killer.

Our cultural norm for 'breaks' has been confined to mundane activities like brewing coffee, meditation, reading, napping, or exercising. These were suitable for a time when high levels of creativity and problem-solving were NOT required. But today, this antiquated daily rhythm falls short in replenishing the mental capacities essential for creativity and problem-solving, which have become the benchmarks for human value and power in today's world.

Ceasing work to rest is like running out of gas and pulling your car over to the side of the road, hoping that by stopping, the tank will somehow refill itself.

Now, I'm not actually trying to tell you that you need to jump out of a plane for…

this to work – that’s my thing. What I am saying is that to live a life of passion and purpose in today's competitive environment, you'll need to maintain a consistent level of creativity and tenacity. To sustain those levels, leveraging flow states is essential, and the only way to do that is by understanding the 3 Reasons I Have to Jump Out of Airplanes.

The New Standard For ‘Taking a Break’ Customized To You.

It's easy to become engrossed in activities that don't align with your authentic self. For instance, while images of someone skydiving or flying a stunt plane might be intriguing, these activities might not suit you—they could be either too intense or too tame. That's why the core of OUR training is fundamental. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the 'What,' enabling you to tailor the 'How' to your unique needs and preferences.

I’m going to use skydiving only as an example of ‘How’ I produce the ‘What’ below.

The powerful results that exhilarating experiences have on our brain can impact focus, creativity and tenacity.

STRESS RELIEF AND CLARITY: Skydiving expands our capacity and creates the space for intensity, joy, and excitement to exist in our lives.

The surge of adrenaline experienced during the jump swallows up stress and distractions, leaving behind a sense of clarity in its wake. This happens because the moment one steps out of the plane and enters free fall, all of life's worries lose their significance.

Then, once the initial adrenaline rush fades, many skydivers feel a profound sense of calm and mental clarity. This state of mind creates the perfect environment to design and implement the philosophies, strategies, tools, training, and tactics necessary to thrive both personally and professionally.

ENHANCED RISK-TAKING AND CONFIDENCE: Jumping out of a plane normalizes risk and risk management. Many people are stuck in lives they are not meant to be living because they are too risk-averse. They lack the confidence and courage required to pivot into their true purpose.

By regularly engaging in activities like skydiving, the fear subsides as our courage increases, turning what was once a frightening experience into an energizing and invigorating one.

Transformations such as this naturally spill over into other areas of our lives, including our personal and business decisions. This comfort with risk is what allows us to consistently explore and adopt the bold and unconventional strategies that are now required of us to excel and to lead.

BOOST IN CREATIVITY AND PERSPECTIVE: Skydiving offers both a literal and figurative shift in perspective. By entering a realm where flying is possible, one can experience a sense of freedom that fosters new thinking and ideas. This leads to more effective, efficient, and powerful approaches to life. It is often outside of our comfort zone that the most valuable ideas are found.

How to Create a ‘Pull Through

Embarking on this journey begins with discovering what truly energizes us, steering away from the mundane and towards experiences that genuinely align with our passions and ambitions.

If you're ready to break free from the norm and embrace a more strategic way of recharging, let's explore how to create a 'Pull Through.' The purpose of this approach is to do nothing less than revolutionize not just your breaks, but your entire approach to work and life.

CHOOSE an activity that excites you, something you believe will be invigorating and REALLY FUN once you've overcome any initial fears.

LEARN how to do it. Remember, the learning phase may not be as enjoyable and thrilling as when you become competent. Many are reluctant to cross this threshold. Remember, if there is no barrier to entry, there is no reward on the other side!

PACK your computer in a backpack, and alternate your day between this activity and your work. Initially, you might find that the activity itself shows up as a minor distraction, as thoughts about it may preoccupy your mind. That’s a good sign! This will quickly fade and transform into a 'placeholder' that prevents other distractions, leaving you with an open space for creativity.

Initially, there may be some snags in your program, like power sources, cables, water, snacks, etc. Give it a few tries to fine-tune your setup.

POST about it. If it’s not interesting enough to you to want to share with others then it’s not likely a ‘Pull Through’. Notice that I said “interesting enough to you.” Don’t worry what other people might think; just pay attention to whether or not you think it’s interesting.

When you do post, be sure to tag me. I want to see it.

Invigorating & Sustainable Energy

Remember: The transformation from conventional breaks to 'Pull Through' moments has nothing to do with adrenaline and everything to do with taking on the type of invigorating and sustainable energy that we now need to live the kind of inspiring, dignified and enriching lives that those we love and lead need us to live.

I’ll see you in the sky!


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