Saying "NO" - A Problem For The Purposeless

Welcome to The Average Frog Broadcast: Redefining modern masculinity by delivering a weekly source of actionable principles, strategies and tools for using your passion to harmoniously fulfill your financial, professional, and personal purposes. STOP adapting to our culture. START defining it.

SEAL Secret #005 - April 20th, 2024

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” - Seneca -

Have you ever heard people say that you just “have to learn to say no”?

Or maybe you've said yes to one too many things or one too many people at the expense of living what could have been your authentic, wealthy, healthy and happy self.

Saying No Is Not a Skill

Do a google search about saying no and you'll get pages of tips on how to say no without feeling guilty, or hurting someone's feelings. You name it, they got a list for it, but here's why those lists will do you little good. Being able to say no is not a skill set, it's a by-product of purpose.

You see. When you've designed a powerful purpose every moment of everyday becomes spoken for.

The moment I decided to become a Navy SEAL, there wasn't a question about what I would or would not be doing on Tuesday at 1:00 pm. I'd be kicking butt either on the sand or in the ocean.

When you have a powerful purpose, you operate with focus because all your thoughts and actions are CHAINED to what you've determined makes a difference between a life well lived and a life squandered.

The Ultimate Calendar

When I teach something we call the "Ultimate Calendar" I show people how to shackle their days, weeks, months and years with the very purpose for which they were created to live.

I know that sounds a bit intense, but when you consider all of the forces that are out there trying to pull you from being ALL YOU, extreme measures are required.

Can you imagine what life would feel like if every moment of your day was pushing you down the path to your ultimate self? The self you were created to be? Can you imagine the poor fool who tries to bully you into doing something that gets in the way of fulfilling your purpose?


[_] Create an “Ultimate Calendar.”

→ Make a list of your professional, financial, and personal purposes. This might show up for you as goals and desires.

→ Create a new “Layer” within your current calendaring platform and title it “Ultimate Calendar.”

→ Now design that calendar in a way that would have you operating at your highest level of self, complete with time dedicated to progressing the purposes, goals, and desires you previously identified.

→ Select your current calendar and your ultimate calendar so that they are now sitting atop each other. Now… every week, or perhaps every day, use the “Ultimate Calendar” like a set of braces for your teeth. Let it slowly realign your fragmented, suboptimal calendar with what would have you performing at your highest level of self.

Answer the Below:

Living from an “Ultimate Calendar”:

How much FITTER would you be?

How many more hours of SLEEP would you get?

How much more MONEY do you think you'd be making?

How much more CREATIVE would you be?

How much more ENERGY would you have?

And how much more TIME would you have?

Now… Do you think you'd have a problem saying no if this is how you lived your life?

I didn't think so.
