COVID-19 And Pull ups in Afghanistan (3 Minute Read)

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It was 3 p.m. in Afghanistan, and I was out for my afternoon run. Sure, I had an automatic weapon in my hand because I was in a war zone, but despite that reality I was not only consistent with my daily training regime, I was actually increasing it. Why? 

Because it was my job to bring power to the powerless, and that’s simply unsustainable if I allowed the difficult environment I was in to deplete me by way of recoiling and attempting conservation.

It surprises people to learn that SEALs...

...maintain their training when deployed into harm's way. But once they understand that training and development has both long-term benefits, and immediate benefits like stress reduction, sharper focus and an overall optimization of your current levels of performance, they quickly get why we do it.

You see. When we’re in a long-term fight, like the one we all find ourselves in now, it’s important to not merely remain strong, but to keep getting stronger. And this is the purpose of this email.

When the hammer drops, like it’s...

...doing right now I've noticed that there are three roles people land in. Victims who depend on help from others. Well meaning "Good-Doers" who don't do a great job of caring for themselves during hard times and eventually become victims themselves. And then there are the heroes. The people who go beyond the excitement of the situation by keeping themselves in the fight until it’s finished and then persisting until they and those they love and lead are even more ready for what comes next.

Today we’ve all been “deployed into a war zone”...

...without a choice. But now that we’re here, each one of us can choose which role we’re going to take. To be clear. I don’t think any one role is better than the other, but they do have very different paths and consequences, and RIGHT NOW you have an opportunity to choose yours. 

For this tribe we’ve formed here, we choose the path of the hero. Not because we were perfectly prepared for this, or we have an abundance of resources, but simply because we can and it’s what we choose.

If this hero's journey feels right to you, and you’d... to join us in the fight to build power within ourselves in ways that will allow us to help build that same power in others, consider this YOUR INVITE.

For those of you who join us in this movement, I’ll be committed to supporting you by providing you with a continuous flow of strategies and tactics that will not only enable you to better travel through this adversity, but will leave you better, stronger and more equipped to live a good life and lead others to do the same after this is over. 

All I ask is that you take what I give you and...

...use it to move yourself and others through this situation. So. If you’re with us, just click the “I’m in” button below and it will take you signup form, which will put you on our distribution list.

Soon after you subscribe I'll send you another email to ask you a few questions about how the situation is impacting you personally, and then from there I'll put together a more formal training plan and get that distributed as soon as possible.

Once you sign up, be sure to come back to this page and share it with those you care about. Everyone is going to need a lot of help.
