3 Ways To Prepare Kids For Life: SEAL Pups

3 Ways To Prepare Kids For Life: SEAL Pups

Tying my daughters’ hands and feet together may not make them trailblazers that upend the world as they know it, but it’s just one of the ways I can help them learn to tackle real-life problem solving and critical thinking—skills that any child needs to survive, or adult for that matter, no matter what life may...

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Kids Water Confidence

Kids Water Confidence

We've been slowly getting our SEAL Pup program off the ground. A new approach to teaching leadership and confidence, while developing the practical skills of survival.  Survival in the marketplace as well as in or on the Sea - Air - Land (SEAL.) Confidence comes from learning to do things you could not do before. High levels of confidence, (swagger,) comes from learning to...


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T-Shirt Got me Through Hell Week: Part 1

T-Shirt Got me Through Hell Week: Part 1

I was slouched over a stack of pancakes in the BUD/S chow hall, quietly experiencing the thousands of microabrasions that come with 48 hours of being wet and sandy. It was Tuesday night of Hell Week, and it was the first time the pain of it all had really settled in. It was the burning that was getting to me, as if the tiny nerve endings in my skin had started an orchestra to which my internal organs had decided to...

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A T-Shirt Got Me Through Hell Week: Part 2

A T-Shirt Got Me Through Hell Week: Part 2

In my last paper, How a T-Shirt Got Me Through Hell Week: Part 1, I discussed how visualization—or what I call “Paradise from the Pain”—can help us get through challenging or difficult times by allowing us to live in the moment that comes after the pain or discomfort.  

But how do we do that? How can train our brains to focus on what’s up ahead and not on what we’re experiencing now?

We can train—or trick—our brains to feed off these burst of dopamine when we envision ourselves reaping the rewards of our hard work or training. Don’t like paying your bills? Visualize yourself...

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Legacy Caching - Message in a Nalgene Bottle

Legacy Caching - Message in a Nalgene Bottle

The idea came to me when I was sitting in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It was one of those moments you experience when traveling: the feeling of mystery, intrigue and wonder. I was in awe; architectural feats of high arched ceilings, intricate artwork details and masonry surrounded me. It was hot and sticky outside, yet the inside of the cathedral felt cool, dusty and grey, like a scene from an old spy movie. With all of the nooks, passages and obscure locations, I couldn't help but wonder how many secret messages and clandestine signals had been etched into the history of this inviolable place by Cold War spies. Having personally employed many of these "spy" tactics as a SEAL, the cathedral began to look more like a canvas of opportunity. A bit obvious and grandiose and, yes, even a bit sacred for such seemingly nefarious acts, but inspirational nonetheless.

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Bred To Be Bored?

Bred To Be Bored?

They have excessively high prey drive and are excessively exuberant or playful. This level of energy often spans from their youth into adulthood. They can be destructive and develop bad behaviors if not given enough stimulation and exercise. This often causes problems for others who are not familiar with such a breed.  

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